TERM 2  (YEAR 3 and 4 only - REGISTER BY 27TH MARCH 2024)

MINI BALLS – YEAR 3 & 4’s  – Starts 1st of May 2024 – 3.30pm. @ Marlborough Lines Stadium 2000

This year mini-balls for Year 3 & 4’s will run in Term 2, due to the heavily booked courts. MBA hope this will help with providing reasonable finishing times for the Year 5.6,7 and 8’ s in Term 3. 

GRADING – MBA will have 2 short games for each team (10 minutes each) for the first 2 weeks of the Competition and will organize the following weeks games based on the abilities of each team, and this should help the players get used to the rules and game play. Mini-balls is played with 4 players on the court and rolling substitutions.

UNIFORM - Redwoodtown School will provide players with a numbered singlet. Please wear this each weeek with sports shoes and shorts. Mouthguards are compulsory.

BENCH DUTY - an adult is required courtside for each game to assist with rolling subs on and off, etc.  Please pop you name down as manager if you are able to assist.

SUBS - $15 -  We have been fortunate to secure sponsorship from United Basketball to contribute towards your child's subs. Therefore subs have been reduced from $70 down to $15.

Redwoodtown School Bank Account


Student name and activity as reference please.

REGISTRATION - To register please complete the TWO forms linked below. (both need to be filled out) 


Redwoodtown School Registration Form 

Marlborough Basketball Registration Form

Important: Basketball is a big commitment for both parents and children. Please think carefully and discuss this with your child before registering. Once you are registered it is an expectation that you will commit to the full season. Remember, children are representing Redwoodtown School and we expect them to show excellent sportsmanship as well as model our school values on the court.