Reporting to Parents
The school reports to parents regularly on the progress of their child. Reporting methods include:
"Meet the Teacher" evening
At the beginning of the year, a parent/teacher meeting is held to meet parents/caregivers and explain class routines, timetables, achievement expectations for the particular year level, etc.
Learning conferences
Students have a learning conference after interim reports have been sent home. These conferences are held at the beginning of term 3 for all students and provide an opportunity for parents, the student, and the teacher to discuss the student's progress and next learning steps.
Achievement progress and reporting
We use our Hero app to show student learning and progress just in time. Teachers support students to share their learning using Hero in different curriculum areas. Our progress reporting graphs show student progress in real time and include their current learning goals in Reading, Writing and Maths. Teachers
Celebrations of learning
This is an opportunity for students to share their learning with parents through oral, written, and visual presentations. These occur at the end of inquiry units of learning and can take many different forms including assemblies for drama, dance and music, whole school productions, Science demonstrations or actions within the school or wider community.
Informal parent interviews
Parents are encouraged to arrange a time with the class teacher to discuss their child's progress at school and talk about any behavioural or learning difficulties that are impacting on their child.
What do levels mean?
The New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) is divided into levels, each level takes 2-3 years for children to work through. Children in both Year 1 and Year 2, are expected to be working at Level 1 of the NZC. Children in both Year 3 and Year 4 are expected to be working at Level 2 of the NZC, and so on. You can see from the diagram that each curriculum level spread across multiple year levels.
Like many other schools, we divide each level into 3 sublevels; We have used 'A' or 'achieved', to indicate that the child is achieving at the high end of the level; 'P' or 'proficient' to indicate achievement in the middle of the level; 'B' or 'beginning' to indicate the child is just within the level.