Reporting to Parents

The school reports to parents regularly on the progress of their child. Reporting methods include:

What do levels mean?

The New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) is divided into levels, each level takes 2-3 years for children to work through.  Children in both Year 1 and Year 2, are expected to be working at Level 1 of the NZC.  Children in both Year 3 and Year 4 are expected to be working at Level 2 of the NZC, and so on.  You can see from the diagram that each curriculum level spread across multiple year levels.


Like many other schools, we divide each level into 3 sublevels;  We have used 'A' or 'achieved', to indicate that the child is achieving at the high end of the level; 'P' or 'proficient' to indicate achievement in the middle of the level; 'B' or 'beginning' to indicate the child is just within the level.