Hero Assessment and Reporting

Hero is a powerful and secure online student management system that allows Redwoodtown Primary School to record enrolment/student information, communicate with caregivers, and share/track learning.

Hero Access

All caregivers (as per student enrolment form) have been given access to Hero via the email address we have on file. If you have any queries or requests (i.e. blended families or caregivers that don’t want access) please don’t hesitate to contact office@redwoodtown.school.nz.

Hero can be access via https://app.linc-ed.com/login or via an App (instructions below):

Hero App Instructions – Parents

What your app should look like

Community Notices is the first thing you will see. You will only see Notices that are relevant to your child/ren. i.e. Class, Team, Year or Sporting Activity. If the text is long, you may need to click read more to view the whole message.

In the left hand drop down menu you will see your children. At a later stage you will find their learning goals and school reports here.

Having problems??


Parents receive ONE form of notification when a Community Notice is published.

If they log into the Hero mobile app they will receive an in-app notification. If they log into Hero via a web browser they will receive an email notification.

If a parent has logged in on a phone and a tablet, they will get in-app notifications to both devices. If they log out of one device (e.g. their phone) they will continue to receive in-app notifications on the other device (e.g. their tablet). If the parent logs out of both mobile devices they will receive an email notification.

If a parent has logged into the Hero mobile app previously but is currently logged out on all of their devices they will receive an email notification.

In all cases, the notification will direct the parent to log into Hero to view the full post.

Hero truncates email notifications to show the first 800 characters of the post within the body of the email notification. By logging into Hero, parents can view the full message, embedded documents, media, or links to download attachments.

Redwoodtown School recommends that you take the time to look at your phone/device settings to see what app notifications are available to you.

Some screenshots from an Android phone are below to give you an idea. All phones/devices will be slightly different.