
Photos coming:)


Students are expected and encouraged to take pride in their general appearance. The uniform comprises the following items:

No make-up (this includes eyelash extensions) is to be worn. One plain small stud or small sleeper earring in each earlobe is permitted. No other jewellery, except a watch or a cultural taonga, is allowed with the exception of school-issued values bands.

We expect all uniform to be named. Any external naming of the uniform must be embroidered in black, less than 18 mm high, and at the bottom of the clothing on the back. Clothing may be named internally. The uniform is available for purchase from the school office. Some used uniform items are available from the school office.

Continued or blatant disregard of the dress code is managed through our behaviour management plan.

If a student can't wear their uniform for any legitimate reason, they must have a written request for an exemption from their parent/caregiver each day. The student will be given a uniform pass card from their teacher.

Policy updated and approved at a Redwoodtown Board meeting 

March 2023

As a Sunsmart school we expect students to safe in the sun. Students will be required to wear a school hat when outside between 10am and 3pm in terms 1 and 4 when UV radiation is strongest.